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Volume 21, issue 2/2018
National R&D Institute for Cryogenics and Isotopic Technologies Progress of Cryogenics and Isotopes Separation The Technological Chain of Enrichment of 3He Petar Dalakov, Maxim Kupriyanov, Jürgen Klier ....................................................... 5 Cryogenic Support of Rectification Units for the Neon Isotopes Production Vitaly Bondarenko, Artem Chyhrin, Hlib Bashkirov .................................................. 11 Tritium Activity On-line Monitoring in the PIK Reactor Water Coolants by Using Flow-through Radiometer Wilma Tatiana V. Voronina, Daria Yu. Tugusheva, Sergey S. Tolstoukhov, Sergey V. Trofimuk .................................................................................................. 19 Phosphorus Removal from Wastewater in the Presence of Mesoporous Materials Violeta Niculescu, Mihaela Iordache, Marius Miricioiu, Laurentiu Asimopolos ............... 29 Study on the Geothermal Energy on Romanian Territory Natalia-Silvia Asimopolos, Laurentiu Asimopolos ...................................................... 43 Remarks on the Thermal Properties of Rocks and the Treatment of Geothermal Waters Laurentiu Asimopolos, Natalia-Silvia Asimopolos, Violeta-Carolina Niculescu, Adrian Aristide Asimopolos ...................................................................................... 67 Fabrication Technology of Self-standing Binder Free LiMn2O4/mwcnt Electrode by Vacuum Filtration Method Constantin Bubulinca ……………………………………………........................................….... 73 Synthesis Via Electrospinning of Electrospun Polyacrylonitrile Fibers – Preliminary Results Radu Dorin Andrei, Adriana Marinoiu, Felicia Bucura, Anca Zaharioiu, Violeta Niculescu, Claudia Sisu, Elena Carcadea ....................................................... 81 Cyclic Voltammetry as a Tool for Model Testing – Investigation Method for Noble Metal Catalyst's Durability Claudia Sisu, Radu Dorin Andrei, Adriana Marinoiu, Claudia Sandru, Marius Constantinescu, Irina Petreanu, Elena Carcadea ........................................... 91 Virtual Screening of Trabenazine and ITS Deuterated Analogue Against the Synaptic Vesicular Amine Transporter Radu Tamaian ..................................................................................................... 101 Manipulation of Spontaneous Emission of Long Living Isomers Using UV-C Radiation Nicolae Enaki, Tatiana Paslari, Marina Turcan, Sergiu Bazgan, Starodub Elena, Ashok Vaseashta ......................................................................... 115 GC–MS and Neutron Activation Analysis of Medicinal Teucrium L. Species Nina Ciocarlan, Alexandru Ciocarlan, Ion Dragalin, Aculina Aricu, Inga Zinicovscaia, Svetlana Gundorina .................................................................. 121 Exploration of Natural Gases and ITS Impact to Air Quality. A Case Study on Shale Gas Marius Constantinescu, Roxana Elena Ionete, Florian Marin, Marius Miricioiu, Gili Saros, Anca Zaharioiu, Felicia Bucura ............................................................. 129 Preliminary Results IN Rn Monitoring at INC-DM Constanta Vasile Patrascu, Codrut Cherestes, Maria Tomescu, Silvia Serban ........................... 141 Instructions for Authors ......................................................................................... 151