Progress of Cryogenics and Isotopes Separation


The National Conference with international participation on New Cryogenic and Isotope Technologies for Energy and Environment - EnergEn 2018 is organized by the National Research-Development Institute for Cryogenic and Isotopic Technologies - ICSI Rm. Valcea with the scientific participation of the University of Pitesti and the University of Craiova and will be held at Baile Govora, in 2018.


why a trf shall be built on cernavoda sitE



M. Gerchikov1, F. Glodeanu2*, S. Patrascoiu2, M. Naum2




1AMEC NSS, Romania, 2AMEC Nuclear RO 





Tritium is a radioactive form of hydrogen and is a by-product of energy production in CANDU reactors. The major sources of tritium are moderator and coolant heavy water which are exposed to high neutron flux levels during reactor operation. As the tritium is buildup in the systems spills of heavy water may result in unacceptable acute radiation doses to workers and cause exceeding tritium emission targets.

The tritium concentration of heavy water at the end of reactor lifetime may be too high for reuse or disposal. The cost of disposal or long term storage for decay will be extremely high due to large volume of tritiated heavy water. There is a potential use of recovered tritium.

There is also a major regulatory and public acceptance risk, if heavy water detritiation is not implemented.

Tritium Removal Facilities are built in Canada, Republic of Korea and should be built in Romania. The main arguments supporting TRF project are presented in the paper.


Keywords: Tritium, Nuclear Power Plants, Radioprotection