Progress of Cryogenics and Isotopes Separation


The National Conference with international participation on New Cryogenic and Isotope Technologies for Energy and Environment - EnergEn 2018 is organized by the National Research-Development Institute for Cryogenic and Isotopic Technologies - ICSI Rm. Valcea with the scientific participation of the University of Pitesti and the University of Craiova and will be held at Baile Govora, in 2018.


Volume 15, issue 2/2012

National Institute for R&D for Cryogenic and


Isotopic Technologies - ICIT Rm. Valcea -






Active Thermography – Non-Destructive & Non-Contact Material Testing
    Marius Popovici ..............................................................................................       5
Compound-Specific Carbon Isotope Analysis of Polycyclic Aromatic
Hydrocarbons using Gas Chromatography Combustion Isotope Ratio
Mass Spectrometry GC-C-IRMS

    Diana Costinel, Geana Irina, Ionete Roxana, Dinca Oana .....................       9
An Overview of Analytical Techniques for Petroleum Hydrocarbons 
Chemical Fingerprinting

    Elisabeta Irina Geana, Raluca Popescu, Diana Costinel,
    Roxana Elena Ionete ......................................................................................      19
Parametrical Study of Steam Methane Reforming in a Membrane Reactor
    Elena Carcadea, Mihai Varlam, Ioan Stefanescu, Adriana Marinoiu,
    Vasile Tanislav, Catalin Capris ...................................................................     25
Mathematical Modeling of Catalytic Hydrogenation Process of Glycerol       
to Propylene Glycol

    Adriana Marinoiu, Claudia Cobzaru, Elena Carcadea, Vasile Tanislav,
    Catalin Capris .................................................................................................    35
Experiments Regarding the Effects of Isotopic Separation in PEM

    Mariana Iliescu, Mihai Varlam, Roxana Elena Ionete, Mihai Culcer,
    Mihai Balan ..................................................................................................      41
Detailed Characterization and Profiles of Ambient Atmosphere
Monitoring Using Automatic Techniques from in Situ Collected Samples

    Diana Florescu, Roxana Ionete, Felicia Bucura, Marius Constantinescu,
    Gili Saros .......................................................................................................      47
Considerations Concerning The Influence Of B20 Biodiesel Blend
On Urban Buses Operation And Maintenance

    Roşca Adrian, Roşca Daniela, Vlăduţ Gabriel ......................................      55
Variation of the Olt River Quality Into the Industrial Complex
Area of Ramnicu Valcea

    Mihaela Iordache, Ioan Viorel Branzoi, Ioan Iordache, 
    Luisa Roxana Popescu, Maria Taralunga .............................................      65
Mathematical Models Used in Describing Air Pollutants’
Dispersion – Application in Craiova, Romania (2012)

   Teclu Codresi, Sebastian Sbirna, Liana Simona Sbirna,
   Anisoara Oubraham ...................................................................................       71
Methods Used to Estimate the Greenhouse Gas Emission Potential 
from Solid Waste Disposal

   E. David, N. Aldea, S. Preda,  A. Armeanu, C. Sandru, F. Bucura,
   M. Constantinescu, D. Mocanu ...............................................................       79
Life and Environmental Protection by Developing New Innovative
Solutions for the Safety of Buildings, Equipment and Pipe Networks to
Violent Earthquakes
   Viorel Serban, Adrian Panait, Madalina Angela Zamfir, George Alexandru
   Ciocan, Marian Androne, Laura Elena Serban, Liviu Dan Postolache,
   Viorela Maria Postolache ......................................................................       93
Log-Normal Distribution of the Suspended Particulate Matter (PM10) –
Application in Craiova, Romania (2012)
   Liana Simona Sbirna, Teclu Codresi, Anisoara Oubraham,
   Sebastian Sbirna ......................................................................................    111
Studies on the Important Polluants of Wastewater from Textile

   Claudia Sandru, Elena David, Felicia Bucura,
   Marius Constantinescu ..........................................................................     121
Evaluation of the Deuterium Modulation Potential of Lead Status On
Zea mays Organogenesis and Growth

   Gallia Butnaru, Ioan Sarac, Gheorghe Titescu, Horia Butnariu ...     127
Instructions for Authors ............................................................................     137