Progress of Cryogenics and Isotopes Separation


The National Conference with international participation on New Cryogenic and Isotope Technologies for Energy and Environment - EnergEn 2018 is organized by the National Research-Development Institute for Cryogenic and Isotopic Technologies - ICSI Rm. Valcea with the scientific participation of the University of Pitesti and the University of Craiova and will be held at Baile Govora, in 2018.



Please make sure that the contribution you are intending to submit for publication in „Progress in Cryogenics and Isotopes Separation” contains two camera-ready paper copies (with figures, captions of figures, tables, etc., included in text) for the referees, and CD. The copies shall be an exact reproduction of the CD file. Please observe the following guidelines for the preparation of your manuscript.


Margins:                     Top 2.4 cm, Bottom: 1.6 cm

                                    Left: 2.1 cm, Right: 2.1 cm.

                                    Gutter: 0 cm

                                    From edge: Header: 1.3 cm, Footer: 1.1 cm

Paper size:                  Executive (Width:18.41 cm, Height: 26.67 cm)

Format paragraph:     Indentation: Left: 1.27 cm, Right: 0 cm.

                                    Alignment: Justified

                                    Line spacing: Single

Columns:                     One

Page numbers:            Bottom of page; Outside; Show number on first page: no.

Fonts:                          Times New Roman and Symbol (Greek fonts for formule and equation)

Figures:       Insert the figure at their appropriate position within the paper using INSRT/PICTURE/From File (*.TIF, or *.JPG) in min. 300 dpi.

                    Figure shall not be larger than an Executive page each.

                    For scanned figures, the depth of colors shall be set at maximum 12 bytes.

                    Figure shall be listed in numerical order.

                    Figure shall be bottom numbered and centered.

                    The number of a figure shall be proceeded by white line – 12 pt.

                    Figure numbers shall be written using Times New Roman, 12 Centered, italic.

                    After the number of a figure, introduce a white line – 12 pt.

                    Figure captions and numbers shall not be incorporated in the figure.

                          Captions shall be set below the number of the figure, and centered.

                    Captions shall be written using Times New Roman, 12.

                    Introduce a white line after the caption – 12 pt.      measeure unit shall be mentined in brackets, SI according to requirement.


Tables:        Landscape table are not accepted.

                    Tables shall be introduced at their appropriate place in the text.

                    Table number shall be written using Times New Roman, 12, centered.

                    Table title shall be written centered, below the number of the table, using Times New Roman, 12, centered, italic.

                    Introduce a white line after the end af the table – 12 pt.

Equations:  Equations may be written either with the equation editor or in the text mode using Times New Roman or/and Symbol fonts.

                    Equations shall be preceded and followed by a white line - 12 pt.

                    Displayed equation shall be centered.

                    Equations shall be numbered in parentheses, flush right, using Times New Roman, 12.

References: Journal articles – initials and names of authors, separated by comma, title of article, journal title, volum number, page number, and year.

                    Books – initials and names of authors, separated by comma, title of book, publisher, place of publication, year, and page numbers.

                    Edited books – initials and names of author, separated by comma, title or article, initials and names of editors followed by the mention editors, written in parentheses, title of book, publishes, place of publications, page numbers, and year.

                    Within the text and at REFERENCES section, reference number shall be introduced within square brackets.

                    References shall be written using Times New Roman, 12, excepting the author names which shall be written using Small Capitals, and the title of books which shall be written using italic.

GENERAL CONDITIONS: The title of the corresponding to your article shall consist of 7 letters followed by 2, or 7. This number indentifies the version of the WORD for WINDOWS editor used to save the document.

                  The extension of your file shall be doc (*******6.doc).

                  Articles shall be written on a CD.

                  Do not use headers or footnotes.

                 We strongly recommend you to check the document whit TOOLS/SPELLING using USEnglish dictionary.

                  The whole document shall be a single file, including text, figures, figure captions, table and table legends, references, acknowledgments, etc., at their appropriate position.

                  Scanned papers (text, figures, etc.) are not accepted.

                  The label of the CD shall contain the name of article (restricted to the first 60 characters including space), the name of the contacting author, telephone number and e-mail address.

                   The frequent use of superscript or subscript within the text of the article is not encouraged.

                 The author(s) shall be responsible for the quality of the language, accordingly, if you have difficulties, please ask a colleague with a good command of English to check your contribution.

                  The author is fully responsible for the scientific quality of the paper. Any contribution is carefully checked by two independent referes for acceptance.

DETAILS: The general structure of your contribution shall observe the following quidelines.

TITLE:     The title of the paper shall be preceded by 3 white lines – 48 pt.

                  Titles shall be written using Times New Roman, 12, Bold, Uppercase, Centred.

AUTHORS: The title of the paper shall be preceded by 2 white line - 12 pt.

                  Author names (Initials followed by name and separated by comm) shall be written using Times New Roman, 12, Title case, Bold, centered. For different affiliation use superscript order numbers.

AFFILIATIONS: Writer names shall be preceded by white line – 12 pt.

                  Affiliations shall start with a superscript number, connecting the name of the author to his/her affiliation. For a single affiliation no superscript number is necessary. Include e-mail addresses, if available. Use Times New Roman, 11, Italic, Centered.

ABSTRACT: Abstracts shall be preceded by 2 white lines – 24 pt, and written using Times New Roman, 10, Italic, Justified. It shall start with the word „ABSTRACT” in All caps, Bold. The maximum number of per abstract is 50 for report, 100 for Ph.D. theses and 200 for review articles.

KEY WORDS: Key words shall be preceded by a white line – 12 pt.

                  They shall be written using Times New Roman, 10, Justified, Italic. It shall start with the words „KEYWORDS”: in Bold All caps. The maximum number of keywords is 10 for report, 15 for Ph.D. Theses, and 20 for review articles.

SHORT TITLE: Short title shall be preceded by 2 white line – 24 pt.

                  A short title of maximum 60 characters including blanks is suggested. It shall be written in Times New Roman, 12, Bold, All caps, Centered. Short title shall be followed by a white   line – 12 pt.

ARTICLE: Articles shall be written using Times New Roman, 12, Justified, single-spaced.

                  The text may be divided into section numbered by Arabic figures, in the decimal system.

                  The headings of the first order, second order, third order, etc., shall on a single line.


                 The first-order heading shall be written Tmes New Roman 12, Uppercase, Bold. The first-order headings shall be preceded and followed by white lines – 12 pt.

                 The second-order headings shall be written Times New Roman, 12, Title Case, Bold. The second-order headings shall be preceded and followed by a white line – 12 pt.

                 The third-order headings shall be written Times New Roman, 12, Title Case, Bold and Italic. The third-order headings shall be preceded and followed by a white line – 12 pt.

                  The forth-order headings shall be written Times New Roman, 12, Title Case.

                  Text after headings shall start with a 1.27 mm indentation.

                   Each paragraph shall be indented 1.27 mm.